Vocational self-concept crystallization is the degree to which people perceive their own vocationally relevant attitudes,values, needs and abilities clearly (Barrett & Tinsley, 1977). As Super (1984) noted, vocational self-concept is basically the degree to which one is able to match their own vocationally relevant attitudes, values, needs etc., with the features of one’s work. Given that one’s understanding of their work and how it fits into their career may be affected by their own career behavior, (e.g. career self-management) one would expect vocational choice and career behavior to have significant effects on vocational self-concept.
職業自我概念具體化就是人們清楚認知其本身職業相關的態度、價值觀、需求和能力的程度(Barrett & Tinsley, 1977)。如Super (1984)所言,職業自我概念基本上就是藉由工作特質,關於其職業態度、需求和價值觀上的配合度。若瞭解自己的工作內容並藉由本身的生涯行為(如生涯自我管理)以瞭解如何因應自己的生涯發展,個人可期待藉由生涯選擇和行爲對其專業自我概念發揮重大的影響。
以下文章來自: https://tw.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20150122000015KK02587